Why Join Healthy Aging DPG?

Healthy Aging Dietetic Practice Group offers a wide array of member benefits!

  • Newsletters (including access to all archived newsletters)
  • Professional development stipends (FNCE®, our Virtual Conference, and to support studying for/completing the CDR CSG credentialing process) 
  • The electronic mailing list (EML - formerly known as the listserv)
  • Peer-reviewed, amazing newsletters (each issue with a CPEU article)
  • "Live" and recorded webinars on timely topics
  • Podcasts - including a CPEU offering
  • Our CSG study resources, including the CSG Help Desk, flashcards and resources  
  • The annual Virtual Conference

Become a Member

Existing Academy Members:

  • Go to the the Academy website: eatrightpro.org
  • In the upper right, click on the orange, "Sign In" button.
  • Enter your Member ID/Username and Password and click on the Login button
  • Click on the "My Academy" button in the upper right.
  • Scroll down to the section "Membership Information"
  • Select "add groups" and follow the prompts to select HA.

New Academy Members:

  • Go the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website: eatrightpro.org
  • In the upper right, click on the orange, "Sign In" button.
  • Complete the online application. As part of the process, you will be able to choose membership in one or more Dietetic Practice Groups (DPGs). To join HA, click on the box next to Healthy Aging (DPG#11).